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Circle Flower Pin: On the fold
Circle Flower Pin: On the fold
Tawni Haynes Circle Flower Pin: On the fold

Our signature flower pin is the perfect eye-catching and style enhancing accessory to many of our blouses and dresses.

Circle Flower Pin shown with the following options:
Color = Turquiose/Black Taffeta Damask
Circle Flower Size = 10 inch diameter.
You have the size options of 14, 12, 10, 8, or 5 inches.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us a 972-754-5096 or email us at sales@tawnihaynes.com!

Price $40.00

Fabric Color 1*:

Circle Flower Size*:

Production Time*:

Choose the turnaround time we have to manufacture this item before it can be shipped or ready for pickup. If you need your item(s) produced faster than the options listed please contact us!

Important Sizing Info Fabric & Care Info
Important Sizing Info
You have the option to choose either a 14", 12", 10", 8", or 5" Circle Flower.